The 2024-25 Previously Published Poem Prize—$3500 Awarded—Free Entry for BIPOC and Historically Marginalized Poets

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Palette Poetry is delighted to continue our tradition of celebrating previously published work. We appreciate the curatorial work of our fellow literary magazines, and we want to support poets as they continue to expand their publishing careers. Submissions to the Previously Published Poem Prize must have been already published in a literary magazine or an anthology. 

The winner will be awarded $3,000, publication, a brief interview in Palette Poetry, and a limited edition broadside of the poem. Second and third place will receive $300 and $200, respectively, as well as publication. Winners will be selected by Palette editors. Learn about last year's winners here.

Submission Guidelines: Please read carefully!

  • For this prize, we are only accepting previously published work. Please indicate in your cover letter which literary magazines the poem(s) first appeared in. When we narrow down our shortlist and winners, we will be checking the original publication to make sure we can give credit.
  • Submissions are open internationally, to any poet writing in English—inclusion of other languages is welcome, as long as the poem is largely written in English.
  • We accept simultaneous submissions. If your previously published poem happens to be selected for a different reprint or anthology during this contest, please do not automatically withdraw, but contact us because we may still consider it for this prize.
  • Your submission must be no more than three poems and under ten pages. Please submit all your poems in ONE document. Please begin each poem on a new page and include each poem’s individual title.
  • We do accept multiple submissions (of one to three poems apiece), but each submission will include the $20 reading fee.
  • Please include a brief cover letter in the cover letter box with a list of where your work was first published. If you select the editorial feedback option, this cover letter is also where you can name which poem you’d like feedback on. To safeguard our reading staff, please include content warnings in the cover letter, if applicable, as well.
  • Review our FAQ page for frequently asked questions.
  • NOTE: If after submitting you notice an error in your submission, please message us rather than withdrawing and resubmitting your submission. We can open it to editing once so you can correct the error.
  • Palette Poetry does not accept AI-produced work.
  • Contest closes on December 8, 2024. Submitters will be notified of their submission status 8-12 weeks after the close of the contest.

Included Unique Opportunities and Discounts

As a thank you for your support for Palette, we’d like to offer a 10% off discount code on a writing class from The Writing Salon. Find a class and use the code included in the confirmation message at checkout.

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.